

Hey! If you’re here you’ve probably already met me. But just in case you haven’t: Hello, I’m Sofie and its nice to meet you.


Here’s one of thoseĀ superĀ annoying facebook 20 fact things (that we all pretend to hate but secretly love):

  1. Favorite color: Grey? is that a color?
  2. Favorite food: I love curry, chicken preferably.
  3. Least favorite food: Seafood, if it lives in the ocean I’m 100% not about it
  4. Ever been arrested: Well that escalated quickly… and no
  5. Favorite subject in school: A tie between creative writing and digital marketing
  6. Favorite song: I’ve been really into show tunes lately (woooo Broadway)
  7. Favorite drink: London fog, unless we’re talking alcohol cause in that case rumchata
  8. Favorite book: The Lord of the Rings series and anything else by Tolkien
  9. Favorite restaurant: May Kitchen + Bar (shout out to the best Thai food ever)
  10. Favorite hobby: Cooking and planning (Cooking= creative and planning= soothes anxiety)
  11. Favorite movie: The Lion king
  12. Middle Name: Ann (without an ‘e’)
  13. Play any instruments: Flute and tuba (long story…)

14. Play any sports: I did ballet until I was 17 but no sports involving a ball

15. Mornings, or nights? Mornings. If I could be asleep by 9pm every night I would

16. Favorite animal: Dogs. Boring answer I know, but I couldn’t lie to you! Not in the first post!

17. Describe high school in 3 words: Short, under-appreciated, and over-hyped

18. Advice to younger you: Take the time to figure out whatĀ you want to do, not what everyone else wants you to do.

19. Favorite season: Fall (not too hot, not too cold, the colors, the ambiance)

20. Most awkward moment: Well this is a great segue… almost like it was planned…

If you had to type the URL in to get to my blog then you’re probably wondering what the heck the jumble of letters “imbrogliosis” mean (if anything). Well prepare to get educated! An imbroglio is pretty much any super insanely awkward situation. And boy, is my life literally chalk full of those. Hence, imbrogliosis, a made up disease I came up with to discern some reason behind how awkward my life is.

If you’re asking yourself what the point of this blog is then I’m sorry to break it to you, there isn’t really one. Sometimes I might get really deep with you guys, sometimes I might tell you a funny story about my day. Sometimes I might even try to give you some advice (and if I do, take the advice at your own risk, I have no idea what I’m doing). So get prepared for many ramblings, grammar faux pas, spelling mistakes, and embarrassingly awkward situations.



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